Common Logbook Setups

This part of the documentation shows how you can configure Logbook for different kinds of setups.

Desktop Application Setup

If you develop a desktop application (command line or GUI), you probably have a line like this in your code:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is what you should wrap with a with statement that sets up your log handler:

from logbook import FileHandler
log_handler = FileHandler('application.log')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with log_handler.applicationbound():

Alternatively you can also just push a handler in there:

from logbook import FileHandler
log_handler = FileHandler('application.log')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Please keep in mind that you will have to pop the handlers in reverse order if you want to remove them from the stack, so it is recommended to use the context manager API if you plan on reverting the handlers.

Web Application Setup

Typical modern web applications written in Python have two separate contexts where code might be executed: when the code is imported, as well as when a request is handled. The first case is easy to handle, just push a global file handler that writes everything into a file.

But Logbook also gives you the ability to improve upon the logging. For example, you can easily create yourself a log handler that is used for request-bound logging that also injects additional information.

For this you can either subclass the logger or you can bind to the handler with a function that is invoked before logging. The latter has the advantage that it will also be triggered for other logger instances which might be used by a different library.

Here is a simple WSGI example application that showcases sending error mails for errors happened during a WSGI application:

from logbook import MailHandler

mail_handler = MailHandler('',
Subject: Application Error at {record.extra[url]}

Message type:       {record.level_name}
Location:           {record.filename}:{record.lineno}
Module:             {record.module}
Function:           {record.func_name}
Time:               {record.time:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}
Remote IP:          {record.extra[ip]}
Request:            {record.extra[url]} [{record.extra[method]}]


''', bubble=True)

def application(environ, start_response):
    request = Request(environ)

    def inject_info(record, handler):

    with mail_handler.threadbound(processor=inject_info):
        # standard WSGI processing happens here.  If an error
        # is logged, a mail will be sent to the admin on

Deeply Nested Setups

If you want deeply nested logger setups, you can use the NestedSetup class which simplifies that. This is best explained using an example:

import os
from logbook import NestedSetup, NullHandler, FileHandler, \
     MailHandler, Processor

def inject_information(record):
    record.extra['cwd'] = os.getcwd()

# a nested handler setup can be used to configure more complex setups
setup = NestedSetup([
    # make sure we never bubble up to the stderr handler
    # if we run out of setup handling
    # then write messages that are at least warnings to to a logfile
    FileHandler('application.log', level='WARNING'),
    # errors should then be delivered by mail and also be kept
    # in the application log, so we let them bubble up.
                   level='ERROR', bubble=True),
    # while we're at it we can push a processor on its own stack to
    # record additional information.  Because processors and handlers
    # go to different stacks it does not matter if the processor is
    # added here at the bottom or at the very beginning.  Same would
    # be true for flags.

Once such a complex setup is defined, the nested handler setup can be used as if it was a single handler:

with setup.threadbound():
    # everything here is handled as specified by the rules above.

Distributed Logging

For applications that are spread over multiple processes or even machines logging into a central system can be a pain. Logbook supports ZeroMQ to deal with that. You can set up a ZeroMQHandler that acts as ZeroMQ publisher and will send log records encoded as JSON over the wire:

from logbook.queues import ZeroMQHandler
handler = ZeroMQHandler('tcp://')

Then you just need a separate process that can receive the log records and hand it over to another log handler using the ZeroMQSubscriber. The usual setup is this:

from logbook.queues import ZeroMQSubscriber
subscriber = ZeroMQSubscriber('tcp://')
with my_handler:

You can also run that loop in a background thread with dispatch_in_background():

from logbook.queues import ZeroMQSubscriber
subscriber = ZeroMQSubscriber('tcp://')

If you just want to use this in a multiprocessing environment you can use the MultiProcessingHandler and MultiProcessingSubscriber instead. They work the same way as the ZeroMQ equivalents but are connected through a multiprocessing.Queue:

from multiprocessing import Queue
from logbook.queues import MultiProcessingHandler, \
queue = Queue(-1)
handler = MultiProcessingHandler(queue)
subscriber = MultiProcessingSubscriber(queue)

Redirecting Single Loggers

If you want to have a single logger go to another logfile you have two options. First of all you can attach a handler to a specific record dispatcher. So just import the logger and attach something:

from yourapplication.yourmodule import logger

Handlers attached directly to a record dispatcher will always take precedence over the stack based handlers. The bubble flag works as expected, so if you have a non-bubbling handler on your logger and it always handles, it will never be passed to other handlers.

Secondly you can write a handler that looks at the logging channel and only accepts loggers of a specific kind. You can also do that with a filter function:

handler = MyHandler(filter=lambda r: == 'app.database')

Keep in mind that the channel is intended to be a human readable string and is not necessarily unique. If you really need to keep loggers apart on a central point you might want to introduce some more meta information into the extra dictionary.

You can also compare the dispatcher on the log record:

from yourapplication.yourmodule import logger
handler = MyHandler(filter=lambda r: r.dispatcher is logger)

This however has the disadvantage that the dispatcher entry on the log record is a weak reference and might go away unexpectedly and will not be there if log records are sent to a different process.

Last but not least you can check if you can modify the stack around the execution of the code that triggers that logger For instance if the logger you are interested in is used by a specific subsystem, you can modify the stacks before calling into the system.